Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Meeds lake
by Cvendel

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/08/2023
Entry & Exit Point: Meeds Lake (EP 48)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 6
Trip Introduction:
Just got back from a Meeds lake trip, first time my daughter has been back since she was 15, wonderful to be with her, she is just finishing up her five years of active duty with the Army. weather was great, only rained once, overnight, last night, the 10th it was cold! probably got down to 33 degrees.  bugs not too bad! But I have a question, we used two thermacells, two nights when we were sitting around camp, we noticed huge clouds of misquitoes hovering above camp, just floating high in the tree line, sometimes they would drift lower to almost just above our heads, we all found it hard to believe the thermacell's worked that good?? Could they be keeping a literal cloud of misquitoes away from us?? If so, then I am amazed... without them we would have been covered... Fishing was good caught a both bass and walleye on Meeds...