BWCA Trip Postponed..... Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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senior member (57)senior membersenior member
09/12/2017 12:45PM  
Four of us (two first timers, myself included) were planning to enter at EP16 this Friday through Monday. Due to the forecast we decided to postpone the trip...didn't want the first BWCA experience to be nothing more than being cold, wet, and huddled under a tarp for 3 days. Not exactly a way to get first timers to come back says our experienced BWCA'r.

Targeting possibly the first weekend in October to go now instead. Somebody PLEASE tell me there's a silver lining to this decision - fewer people, better fishing, brighter fall colors, clearer night skies, northern lights - at this point I'll take anything. I've been looking forward to this trip for months, so feeling disappointed!!
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distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2017 01:12PM  
Silver lining = you're still going! Some would kill for that flexibility.

Make sure you're all set on gear since temps will be lower. Raining the entire time would be less than desirable, but some of my fondest memories were during rainy days. I guess it's all about your situation. I'd rather paddle through a rainy BW than sit at my desk. The reality is that you'll have a great time out there regardless (as long as you make it out). At least with a later trip date you'll get more solitude. Have an awesome time!

09/12/2017 01:21PM  
quote SkiYee: "

Somebody PLEASE tell me there's a silver lining to this decision - fewer people, better fishing, brighter fall colors, clearer night skies, northern lights - at this point I'll take anything. I've been looking forward to this trip for months, so feeling disappointed!!"

Could be all of the above, or none of the above. Its a fickle time of year.

I'd say crowds will for sure be lighter and historically fishing should be good that time of year.

Usually I don't postpone a trip for weather unless its truly miserable. I've learned that there is no guarantee of better weather for the new trip dates, it could end up being even worse.
senior member (57)senior membersenior member
09/12/2017 01:32PM  
Current forecast calls for 70-90% chance of thunderstorms and rain from the morning we enter until the morning we leave. Of course the day we leave is "mostly sunny". If were to rain for an afternoon or evening, or even 1 full day we could deal with that. But 3 straight days of storms and rain may be too much to handle, especially for the kids.
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
09/12/2017 01:48PM  
Im in the same situation. Supposed to go in on Thursday morning but now am considering cancelling or postponing the trip do to the horrible forecast.
Raining one day is tolerable but 3 straight days of nonstop rain is making me question my sanity if I still go. Not sure what to do yet
09/12/2017 05:07PM  
Did a 2 week solo in June. It rained everyday except one. Still would do it again!
We all want perfect conditions but rarely get it. Who's to say the weather will be good in a few weeks. But if you're flexible take the chance.
09/12/2017 05:14PM  
That's why I always advise first-timers to plan a first trip of at least six days. It is unusual, in spite of egknuti's previous post, to have six days of rain in a row. If you have more days, you have more possibilities of a few nice, sunny days cropping up in your itinerary. Also, your body adjusts to "trip time" and you really have a much more relaxed and enjoyable trip. Just my two cents.

As far as the first weekend in October, it can be beautiful. But prepare for cold, be sure you have layers, gloves will be a good idea, and a warm hat. The days in the fall are short, and you may get glorious sunshine, or you may have snow.

Half the fun of a BWCA trip is the unpredictability of the weather. Hope you have a great trip!
distinguished member(2058)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2017 06:49PM  
I feel your pain. I'm going in on Saturday for 5 days. The forecast keeps changing so I'm going to take what I'm handed. My paddling partner and I are coming from Colorado and Texas on Thursday so it's not easy or cheap to change plans. I have made a lot of changes to gear and food however. I'm not going to rely on a fire to cook or bake with the forecasted conditions. May even pick up another tarp on the way up. For sure going to base camp with some days trips on Monday and Tuesday. Picked up a new cribbage board.
distinguished member(930)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2017 07:48PM  
It's still early enough in the year where your not likely to get an all day rain. It will more likely be spotty thunder storms. The wind looks light during that period and anyone with experience on the site would tell you that they are more concerned with wind than rain. I also do not mind cloudy days when paddling. My best fishing trip ever in Canada, it rained every day all day for eight days except for one afternoon when we saw the sun for four hours. Man did we catch fish.

If you do decide to go in later, would that be the 29th of Sept, or the 6th of Oct. In Oct you will not need to reserve a permit ahead of time, so you can go in at any entry point you want. That's a big plus. As others have said, still a crap shoot on the weather. Crowds will be less. Fall colors will be likely gone. Later will likely be cooler and no bugs.
distinguished member (240)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2017 08:21PM  
quote SkiYee: "Somebody PLEASE tell me there's a silver lining to this decision - fewer people, better fishing, brighter fall colors, clearer night skies, northern lights - at this point I'll take anything. I've been looking forward to this trip for months, so feeling disappointed!!"

There is definitely good opportunity ahead.
A lot of good comments shared so far.
Having grown up in Hibbing, I've had the opportunity to make a lot of "spur of the moment" trips to the BW when we could see the immediate forecast. I would guess that nearly half of those trips were started in October, for all of the reasons you listed. Then I moved 600 miles away. I would still plan trips for late September or early October but didn't have the option of postponing due to weather. Some trips (7-8 days) we stayed dry. Other trips were rainy, cold and wet a lot of the time. Personally, I don't mind paddling in a soft rain. I kind of enjoy it. If you have good gear and maintain it on your trip, you should still have a good time, even if it rains a bit. I've been lucky and have never had the misfortune of enduring a severe thunderstorm while up there. If things start to get damp, just take advantage of the sun when it comes out and dry things out when you have the opportunity.
Just think to yourself of where you are and what you're doing.
The BW is definitely a wilderness that the majority of folks will never know. The most memorable part for me is that we could go on these week long trips and never see another soul. No crowding at the portages, no voices to be heard, would never see another canoe on the lakes, you had your choice of campsites, total solitude.
I hope you guys have a great trip.
distinguished member(1259)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2017 10:29PM  
I go on my trips for the fishing, you can't go fishing in a canoe during a thunderstorm and you can't catch fish in a tent staying out of a thunderstorm so why go with that kind of forecast for thunderstorms. I have read many times on here about how some of the best trips people have had were during nasty, wet, windy, rainy, cold miserable weather, personally that kind of weather has resulted in the worst and least enjoyable trips I have been on.
09/13/2017 07:36AM  
One of my most memorable moments in the BW is standing under a canoe in the middle of a portage with my 11 yo son while it hailed. We just smiled and laughed as we watched Mother Nature's fury.
09/13/2017 08:37AM  
quote SkiYee: "Current forecast calls for 70-90% chance of thunderstorms and rain from the morning we enter until the morning we leave. Of course the day we leave is "mostly sunny". If were to rain for an afternoon or evening, or even 1 full day we could deal with that. But 3 straight days of storms and rain may be too much to handle, especially for the kids."

That would certainly be reason to consider postponing if possible. Hopefully the weather works out better for your new trip dates. Being flexible is the key to a good BWCA trip. Its not always going to go as planned and sometimes you've got to adjust. That's part of the adventure.
09/13/2017 09:12AM  
"You never know in the bdub" is always our mantra. Hope next weekend clears up for ya!
distinguished member(4432)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/13/2017 09:14AM  
I have been in steady cold rains which lasted 2 solid days and eventually it does chip away at the "fun" factor I must admit and I am generally someone who doesn't mind adverse weather.

Your base layer is super important and it must be kept dry........not only protected from precipitation but also from sweat and perspiration. So when it's time to paddle or move take it off. The ability to dry clothing will be hampered so extra clothes are paramount..........and even your extra clothes will likely get wet. Plastic bags are good to have to keep wet clothes from getting everything else wet.

I am not a fan of radios and music on canoe trips but this would certainly be an exception. I like the idea of a game or two as well.

Adversity can make for some very positive memorable trips if managed correctly and attitude is the key factor in the mix. If you go with a "woe is us" confession, the words you speak, then expect a bad trip. Rather a "we are going to make the best of it" upbeat positive attitude then your chances of pulling it off are greatly enhanced.

You must bring a watchmans type hat to aid in keeping warm while sleeping. Cold uncomfortable sleep make whiners and cowards out of all but the most rugged.
distinguished member(5289)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/13/2017 10:37AM  
I don't blame you for the postponement. It would definitely suck for new people. My first trip to Quetico it rained most of the trip. I lived in a rain suit with a swimming suit on underneath that for most of the trip. It took a couple of years before I went back. I will post my story about my trip in this forum called " Why I Went Back "
distinguished member (189)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2017 10:57AM  
I have a friend who is also going to EP 16 this Thursday-Sunday. There are 4 of them, 2 guys, 2 girls. 2 of the 4 have never been, the others only a few times. I advised them about the route and weather, and that for new people this would be far less than ideal.

Personally, I've never canceled a trip due to weather, but with a couple newbies and with the forecast as bad as it looks.....probably not a bad idea. To each their own.

I'm sure it will work out no matter what, but be safe and have fun!
member (47)member
09/13/2017 01:03PM  
I'm going in with 2 buddies tomorrow through Sunday and am dismayed (to say the least!) by the weather forecast, too. Unfortunately rescheduling isn't an option for us, so we'll make the best of it, and hope it's not a complete washout. Rain sucks, but is mostly annoying. Lightning, on the other hand, has me concerned for the paddle in and out.
distinguished member (314)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2017 02:35PM  
We head in on Friday morning as well. Fingers crossed for better weather than predicted.

Also, you may consider using the NOAA weather. y=1

I think they incorporate a number of different models so tend to be more accurate. Or at least admit if the models don't match up. If you click on the "Forecast Discussion" you can get a more detailed analysis of weather patterns.

It might also be that NOAA had much less rain/storms predicted than Accuweather so I prefer it for this weekend!
distinguished member(628)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2017 04:22PM  
My first time to the BWCA was similar to this experience. We had a 5 day trip planned around this time of year. It rained the entire time the first 2 days. Pretty much 48 hours straight. We were both pretty miserable but neither of us complained much out loud. I was thinking internally that this wasn't fun and why do people love it up here so much? As we're in the tent the 3rd morning waiting for the rain and lightning to let up a little, we start talking about how we're not having any fun and maybe we should just scrap it and head back to our entry point (still a 2 day journey.) So the decision was made late morning to do just that. Now that we had a purpose, paddling in the rain didn't seem as daunting. Our moods picked up perceptibly from that moment.

It rained the rest of the morning and in to the early afternoon and it was still pretty miserable. Then the rain let up by the end of the 3rd day, and we had already backtracked half the distance back to the EP. On the 4th day, the weather (go figure) was glorious. Other than a little wind, we had a fantastic last day in the BWCA. It was totally worth the misery of the first 2 days.

Our next trip, another 5 day trip same time of year, rained about 3-4 days total of the entire time as well. But this time we had a much better frame of mind and paddled through the rain and enjoyed our time. We had better rain gear, better boots, and a better attitude. Later on, when we turned the boat back in at Sawbill, the guy at the shop said they haven't had that much rain all summer. Go figure our luck, we picked the 5 worst weather days of the whole previous 5 months.

Two trips of similar weather, but two completely different experiences. It all depends on your approach and attitude. If you think you're not going to like it, you'll probably be right. If you think you will enjoy it, you'll probably be right.

Our next trip was (again, mid-September) spectacular weather the entire 5 days... not so much as one cloud the whole time. Though it did get a little warm.

I think the big difference between the first two was that we a) weren't prepared for the weather to be like that and b) it was our first time either of us had been there so we were also anxious about what the BWCA would have in store for us (navigation, bears, hunters, etc.)

I've never been in October, but I love cold weather camping - maybe your rescheduled trip will turn out to be amazing.
distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2017 05:09PM  
quote flopnfolds: "We head in on Friday morning as well. Fingers crossed for better weather than predicted.

Also, you may consider using the NOAA weather. y=1

I think they incorporate a number of different models so tend to be more accurate. Or at least admit if the models don't match up. If you click on the "Forecast Discussion" you can get a more detailed analysis of weather patterns.

It might also be that NOAA had much less rain/storms predicted than Accuweather so I prefer it for this weekend! "

Accuweather has really been letting me down lately and NOAA has been coming through with good accuracy. +1
09/14/2017 06:24AM  
Yeah, I don't see it as bad as you say. One night of rain, other than that the chance is much less. How many times people kick themselves for postponing or canceling trips for possible weather problems that never happen. This could be the best weekend of the fall, you just don't know.
distinguished member(3687)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/14/2017 06:34AM  
Keep in mind the later you go the more darkness there is. Bring a lantern and a deck of cards.
09/14/2017 06:55PM  
quote nctry: "Yeah, I don't see it as bad as you say. One night of rain, other than that the chance is much less. How many times people kick themselves for postponing or canceling trips for possible weather problems that never happen. This could be the best weekend of the fall, you just don't know. "

Always a hard call, especially since all the lakes tend to create their own weather bubble.

I planned on hitting the Sioux Hustler Trail this weekend and watched as the weather forcast looked really bad and got slowly better. Nice part about hiking is the 999 available permits. Rather than going in on Friday, which looks very wet, I'll head in on Saturday and have a damp day, a cloudy day and sunny day in the beginning of prime fall colors.

Plus, my 10 month old Border Terrier pup is far overdue to learn trail walking. Mini-bears beware: he's camouflage, silent and amazingly fast.

distinguished member(2116)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/16/2017 12:16PM  
Get good rain gear, dress smartly (no cotton at all, think wool, rain suits) and a couple of good tarps. Put one down inside the tent, big enough so there is excess running up the sides, and another over the top of the tent, in addition to the rain fly. Bring a cribbage board and lots of instant coffee. Fish like rainy weather also, especially just before and just after a front comes through, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm from Washington. I've mowed lawns in monsoons before. And I love being outside in the rain because it's one of the few times I can go outside and experience relief from my allergies.

Storms, on the other hand, really stink.

09/17/2017 06:27PM  
Forecast turned out to be mostly wrong. Friday it didn't start raining until evening. Cloudy Saturday morning but cleared and was beautiful. A little rain in the evening. Sunday, cooler but sunny. I would not have cancelled.
09/18/2017 08:34AM  
We put in this Saturday and I hope it rains every day. Now wind, that's another matter!
member (6)member
09/18/2017 09:32PM  
Our group watched this post prior to heading in at EP23 Mudro on Friday, Sept 15. We talked about cancelling for about 5 minutes and decided to ride out the weather. So many of my past trips have had incorrect forecasts and this one was the most incorrect yet. Forecasted to be the worst weather I've had in the BWCA and turned out to be one of the best weather trips I've had!

Friday: Only clouds and tiny bit of mist, then rain at 9pm and overnight. Saturday: Still and cloudy until noon then mostly sunny all afternoon/evening. 30 minutes of rain at 8:30p and otherwise dry night. Sunday: Mostly sunny. Perfectly still/clear evening with a short view of the Aurora. Partly cloudy Monday paddle out. Really awesome trip and so glad we didn't cancel.
09/19/2017 10:10AM  
We are headed in EP25 Friday (22nd) for a week and hope we have that kind of luck with the weather also. If not, we will make the most of it as we have over the past 50 years. It can't rain forever.....right?
09/19/2017 02:09PM  
quote bauers007: " Really awesome trip and so glad we didn't cancel.

Same here. Went in a day later to avoid entering in the rain. Once you're in, rain is easier to deal with, its the getting started I find hard.

distinguished member(5289)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/19/2017 03:13PM  
quote AmarilloJim: "We put in this Saturday and I hope it rains every day. Now wind, that's another matter!"

Why do you want it to rain every day?
member (6)member
09/19/2017 04:24PM  
quote dew042: "
quote bauers007: " Really awesome trip and so glad we didn't cancel.

Same here. Went in a day later to avoid entering in the rain. Once you're in, rain is easier to deal with, its the getting started I find hard.


I completely agree. We were supposed to camp in Duluth the night before, but got a hotel instead so we could keep our stuff dry before the "expected" weather during the BWCA trip.
09/20/2017 07:36AM  
quote QueticoMike: "
quote AmarilloJim: "We put in this Saturday and I hope it rains every day. Now wind, that's another matter!"

Why do you want it to rain every day? "

We pray for rain out here in west TX!
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