BWCA Vibram Fivefinger Shoes Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Vibram Fivefinger Shoes     
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distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2014 08:45AM  
Does anyone wear those Vibram Fivefinger shoes? I've never worn anything like that before and I ahve to admit they look pretty goofy. But I hear that they really help you feel more "in touch" with the ground. To me, spending time in the outdoors is all about the senses. The smells, the sounds, etc. I kind of like the idea of being able to feel the ground below me a bit more closely (wow that makes me sound like a total Hippie...).

Anyone have any thoughts on them?

Vibram Fivefinger
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distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/11/2014 09:13AM  
I don't think I'd like things between my toes. I'm more of a mocassin guy.
distinguished member (257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2014 09:24AM  
My youngest son ,14 y/o, got a pair last year and loves the heck out of them. He wore them paddling, portaging and exploring around camp. He would wet foot in them and did not have any problems. He sort if made the same hippie comment about them as far as having a better feel of the ground as he walked in them. He would rate them 5 toes up. :-)
05/11/2014 09:26AM  

Just go barefoot, like this Guy . ;-)
distinguished member(4991)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/11/2014 10:08AM  
My Chiro wears them all of the time and loves them. So my wife got the idea for buying a pair and she loves them too. Only problem she has with them is when your feet get hot and sweaty in them they are difficult to get off the toes.
member (10)member
05/11/2014 11:35AM  
Sounds like they aren't as good for you as Vibram originally said. They are paying everyone who wore them $97 bucks is a class action suit.
distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2014 11:43AM  
Ya I just read that article as well. I wouldn't be buying them because they are "better for my feet, etc". Although I am interested in how they would feel to run in. I have a great trail system in behind my place and saw a guy slopping through the trails wearing them. I thought to myself, "hey that looks fun"!
distinguished member (257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2014 04:27PM  
quote rewker: "Sounds like they aren't as good for you as Vibram originally said. They are paying everyone who wore them $97 bucks is a class action suit."

I don't know about the lawsuit and all of it validity. It sounds more like one of those lawsuits on the line of the spilled McDonalds coffee. It doesn't appear as anyone had any significant health issues because of the use of them its just that their sales pitch didn't live up to all that they claimed.
05/11/2014 05:13PM  
I wear mine out in the BWCA. Tend to use a rubber Teva style sandal for portaging, but change into those when I'm fishing or camping. My issue is if I get them wet, the funk is strong with them. The thinner soled running version also lets you feel the sharper rocks - so something to be careful of.

As for running, you will discover an entirely new set of muscles. They pack down nicely, so I take them with me as I travel for work each week. Much easier to bring along than sneakers.

05/12/2014 11:19PM  
I've owned about 7 pairs. They are a godsend. I no longer have knee and hip pain when I run and no shin splints either. I use them kayaking as well as they are a great water shoe that doesn't accidentally come off your feet when swimming.

I'll be using them in the BWCA in about a week. I plan on taking 2 different pairs because they are so light.

Your mileage may vary, but I personally absolutely love these shoes. My fiancƩ loves hers as well. I got her hooked on them a few years ago. She's worn out 2 pairs already.

member (13)member
05/13/2014 12:42PM  
You have to be careful in them as you'll need to adjust your gait especially if you do any running in them. The typical running stride has a strong heelstrike and if you do this with any minimal shoe you'll mess up your feet. I ran distance for years and years and started doing trail running with the Fivefingers. While I love the contact you get with them, I managed to give myself plantar fasciitis as I occasionally got a little sloppy with my technique while on trails.
05/13/2014 02:56PM  
I've been in fivefingers for several years. They are pretty great.

Things to watch out for:
They can get kinda stinky
If you walk in a mowed field (not lawn) the fibrous stalks of grass/weeds will not poke through the bottom of the sole, but in to the sides of your toes, between your toes. (maybe I just have fat toes)
You do feel the earth more, as a result you also feel small pebbles more too, and not in a good way. It's usually the one random rock in the middle of a flat surface that catches you off guard.
distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/13/2014 03:27PM  
Thanks for the input everyone. So one last question; how do they work as water shoes? Do they dry fast enough to use when canoeing or mucking around in a river?
distinguished member(4401)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/13/2014 08:00PM  
They look like it would be difficult to put them on. How do you get your toes into each little spot?
05/13/2014 10:32PM  
Takes just a wiggle. It might be a bit tricky the first five or six times you put them on, but you get use to them fast.

+Steveelms73 As water shoes... they get the funk real fast when worn wet. There be dragons, and all that.
05/19/2014 05:28PM  
I can tell you they work great on the lava rocks along the shore in the 50th state.
My wife said she wouldn't like them and never would even try them day at REI I made her sit down and at least put them on her feet...after that she went straight home and ordered a pair. (REI didn't have her size in the ones she wanted.)
distinguished member(808)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/20/2014 08:11AM  
I can almost feel the rocks now. I'll take two pair please with a side of sore stubbed toes.
05/22/2014 02:50PM  
quote BnD: "I can almost feel the rocks now. I'll take two pair please with a side of sore stubbed toes."

Or you could just learn to not drag your toes like you did with your knuckles...;-)
05/22/2014 05:03PM  
Not a fan at all...

I have high arches and prefer shoes with support, I also like something to guard my feet for rocks/sticks etc.... If God didn't want us to wear shoes we would have been made dumb enough to not be able to make shoes.

All kidding aside some people will say they benefit from these shoes and they very may well be better off with them... but statisticlaly speaking they are causing more people pain/injuries (an increase of 50% in some studies) than other shoes.

Shoes are a personal decision though---to one person a brand/type can be a the greatest ever for others it can be terrible. For the most part these shoes haven't lived up to the manufacturers hype and some people label them as a gimmick. I disagree with the lawsuit though, consumers have self responsibility as well.



greater risk of injury


05/27/2014 09:59AM  
I heard about the claims and the issues while buying mine a few years ago. I am NOT a runner...unless I am being chased or need to chase so that isn't the reason I bought them. I need a good pair of water shoes and these looked like they fit the bill (and my feet) better than any others I could find.
I love mine and have never had sore feet from them even after a full day of hiking over very ruff terrain.
I do agree that they are not for everyone but if the feeling between your toes is holding you back, do yourself a favor and at least try them on.
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