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distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2015 08:49PM  
I've been fortunate to learn the benefits of positive thinking when the tough situations crop up while tripping.

Life has thrown me a plot twist with a sudden diagnosis of aggressive cancer that needs surgery. It'll be weeks if not months before I'm being normally active again. No June trip this year and maybe none at all this season. My canoe partner wants to consider a second trip in the fall so I can get a chance, we'll see. So now the mind set is being positive as I work through this and toward the next trip - one of many goals I'm setting. Patience has never been a virtue of Bapabear so this will be interesting.

I was put in touch with someone that has been through my situation and I had a lengthy phone call with him today. I have never come across a guy that has more positive energy! He really cared about what I'll be going through and how I will handle it. He answered all my questions - stuff I hadn't covered with the surgeon yet. Everything was about how things will work out and how I will be getting through this just fine. He's been beating cancer now for over a decade after his similar surgery and I can sure see why. I'm actually looking forward to talking to him again and meeting him. He's also a trout fisherman and we're going to make plans to fish together - another goal! I'd like to try and convince him to take a canoe trip with me sometime!!

Being positive, setting goals. That should work for all of us whether going to the wilderness or not this year, right? Have great, safe trips, and post them on trip reports so I can live vicariously through you!

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distinguished member(692)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2015 10:08PM  
Focus on the trail you tread, the BWCA will still be there, waiting for you, once this trail is behind you.

I hope all goes well--there will be good days and bad, but remember that all that paddling into the wind will feel worth it when you reach your destination.

Jerry Vandiver - Headwind
distinguished member(661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2015 10:14PM  
Amen on the positive thinking and praying for a full and speedy recovery!
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2015 10:24PM  
I'm a cancer survivor..The c word scared the hell out of me till I talked to survivors. 5 years and me if you would like some chat.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2015 11:12PM  
HS great advice. Thanks for the song - I love Jerry's music!
bb thanks for the encouragement.
H20 I sent an email. I'm ready to learn what I can from a survivor!
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2015 05:10AM  
bapabear- So bummed to hear this news.

Stay strong and positive!

Cancer treatment is a journey and as with any tough journey it is made infinitely easier by keeping a positive outlook and visualizing the positive outcome at the end.

I am a big fan of the "dangling carrot" when I am on the long haul so I love that you already have a trout fishing trip in your sights!
Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3781)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2015 06:17AM  
bapabear - A positive attitude is a must! You also have a BWCA support group when you need it as I and several othets here have had and overcome cancer. I will be praying for you and your recovery! Hang in there!

distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2015 06:52AM  
I love your approach and feel strongly about the power of positive thinking. I've dealt with my heart issues in a similar way and find others are the ones "worrying" about it and making it hard to keep that positive outlook. Don't let them be the ones to change your approach and encourage them to think positively along with you.

I'm with you bapabear and know this is a temproary situation that you will get through just like a difficult portage on a trip. The blue water and the end of the challenge is just over the next hill. Don't stop yet.
04/21/2015 07:00AM  
Sorry to hear. I'm nervous myself as I have to have biopsies done again. But I know a positive attitude is a must. Looking for that next canoe trip is good medicine. You'll be in my prayers with others on this board I know about.
04/21/2015 07:04AM  
Bapabear--it sounds like you already have the first big hurdle conquered, that attitude thing! Now go out and beat this challenge down into small manageable chunks and just handle each one as it comes!

Thoughts and prayers from this neck of the woods as you walk your path, and best wishes for your trout fishing trip, whenever you are feeling well enough to accomplish that. Please keep us updated.

The Spartans wish you well.
distinguished member(653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2015 08:02AM  
Sounds like you have a great combination to help you get through this situation. Strong positive energy and a beautiful goal to achieve - getting back to the BWCA.

Together, they will be the basis for the right attitude.

Best of luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your journey!

The BWCA awaits your return...
distinguished member(4978)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2015 08:20AM  
I just wound up chemo for an aggressive cancer. Like you I was scared and wondered about camping and canoeing..

I am a worrier by trade. That chemo happened during winter did not help. I tended to see just one person. I think its important to surround yourself with actual support people.. people who you see in person and are your friends. I live too far from "support groups" and did not use any.. I wasnt sure I wanted to hear others stories as mine would surely not be like others.

Take it one step at a time. Like you I hated missing my canoe trip. In my case I trip in Florida for a month each winter. I surely missed that.

Now I have smaller goals for this summer. A big canoe trip is probably still out so we are going car camping and day kayaking in Newfoundland. It takes time to regain strength from chemo . Maybe just for me. It hit me hard and I learned to listen to my body. Rest when it screams rest.

The good news is that my cancer was caught early. I have a canoe builder friend who has pancreatic cancer. He has had lymphoma twice and has the C in his life since 2007. He continues to build..Take hope and heart

We are going to Florida to canoe in ten days. As I am too weak to portage, its OK that I be bow ornament with camera.

Having a diagnosis of cancer I think is not unlike grieving.. The emotional shock is the worst IMO.. then you will move on to anger and all the other steps before acceptance is achieved.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2015 08:54AM  
Thank you all. This support, encouragement, and advice is welcome and needed. Being 100% positive is going to be tough but learning of so many that have also battled C and done well will certainly focus me.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2015 08:55AM  
quote yellowcanoe: "I just wound up chemo for an aggressive cancer. Like you I was scared and wondered about camping and canoeing..
I am a worrier by trade. That chemo happened during winter did not help. I tended to see just one person. I think its important to surround yourself with actual support people.. people who you see in person and are your friends. I live too far from "support groups" and did not use any.. I wasnt sure I wanted to hear others stories as mine would surely not be like others.
Take it one step at a time. Like you I hated missing my canoe trip. In my case I trip in Florida for a month each winter. I surely missed that.
Now I have smaller goals for this summer. A big canoe trip is probably still out so we are going car camping and day kayaking in Newfoundland. It takes time to regain strength from chemo . Maybe just for me. It hit me hard and I learned to listen to my body. Rest when it screams rest.
The good news is that my cancer was caught early. I have a canoe builder friend who has pancreatic cancer. He has had lymphoma twice and has the C in his life since 2007. He continues to build..Take hope and heart
We are going to Florida to canoe in ten days. As I am too weak to portage, its OK that I be bow ornament with camera.
Having a diagnosis of cancer I think is not unlike grieving.. The emotional shock is the worst IMO.. then you will move on to anger and all the other steps before acceptance is achieved."

Lots of good information. I had an aggressive form of Lymphoma back in 1980. My odds of seeing 1981 were 50/50, 1982 was out of the question. I fought for a year and 3 months and never looked back. Even my agnostic Oncologist would refer to me as a "Miracle." So, I'll reiterate what everyone else has said; POSITIVE ATTITUDE is paramount and don't get too frustrated when it feels like you're taking "Baby steps." Thoughts and prayers are with you!
04/21/2015 09:02AM  
Thanks for sharing, you will surely have my thoughts and prayers. I dreamed of the BWCA as I underwent some minor cancer treatment in 2008. There's nothing like that first portage after... so you keep that dream solidly in front of you and make it happen you hear??

Keep us posted if and when you can, and don't be afraid to ask for help. We're an amazing community and we can move mountains if we need to.
distinguished member(4978)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2015 09:42AM  
Never dwell on the statistics
You are you and not an average
And don't go overboard on the Internet searches. Be knowledgeable but don't dwell on any setbacks
04/21/2015 12:20PM  
I found that many people try to give you advice or the "I know a guy that did this that or the other thing" stories of cure. Listen to them and thank them but always do what your doctor says. He is the expert.
Survivor, 14 years and counting.

You will have those moments of anger and doubt and that is OK...but get over it and move on, stronger for your self worth.
04/21/2015 12:29PM  
I've never met you bapabear, but I have a some cancer survivors among my family and friends. To a person, they have a great attitude about life's challenges. I'm convinced attitude is a big factor. Give it hell!
distinguished member(5358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/21/2015 01:07PM  
I would write more but after 11 years with lymphoma, 3 times through chemo, 3 clinical trials, and a bone marrow transplant last summer, I'm at a work conference. But that's sort of the point. Good things can happen.

My advice on the BW is how we have approached life through my treatment. We don't make plans, we recognize possibilities. For me, a BW trip is a possibility this year. If it happens, wonderful. If not, we haven't failed on a plan. And I can still dream about possibilities. And enjoy a cabin trip with day paddling if I'm not up to a wilderness trip.

I'm so sorry you have to face this and it is scary. Just remember that good things can be ahead.
distinguished member(839)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2015 02:06PM  
So many here have said so many wonderful things. I never had cancer. I had a scare once with severe GI bleeding. Since that little episode I tend to avoid negative thinking people and seek out the positive ones. I work in a pediatric institution and have seen and heard about some unbelievable turnarounds with cancer and leukemia. The beauty of it is many of these kids only know how to think positive and it gets them through. I find myself thinking that I need to be more like that every day.
distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2015 03:34PM  
Holy moly. Some great responses here. All are appreciated and taken to heart. Many have taken this path ahead of me and know of which they speak! Thank you.
distinguished member(5358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/24/2015 05:25AM  
I want to add something about a positive attitude: the limits on a positive attitude. A positive attitude will make each day better. But curing the cancer will be done by the surgery and any other treatment you get. The good news about that is you don't need to worry that you are hurting yourself if you have a bad day and can't feel positive. Yes, some people actually hear so much about having a positive attitude that they worry when they aren't up to it. So don't worry if you have a bad day now and then. It's ok. As long as you remember to go to your appointments and do what they tell you, then you are doing what needs to be done.

But if you have a choice, a positive attitude is great. It does make life nicer. And that's the goal, after all.
04/24/2015 07:32AM  
quote yellowcanoe: "Never dwell on the statistics
You are you and not an average
And don't go overboard on the Internet searches. Be knowledgeable but don't dwell on any setbacks"

This is short and powerful, thanks YC.

Bapabear, it would seem there is so much knowledge and information surrounding you as well as sincere caring about your new journey. I've never had the challenge you are facing but I sincerely believe that you are not only taking the right path and attitude but that you will beat this.

All those trout you won't be catching this June will be waiting for you when you do finally get there.

distinguished member(2862)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/24/2015 07:39AM  
Thank you andym and One Match.

In talking with others I have come across another good thought that andym is referring to. Keep the good positive thoughts and act on them but do it realistically.

First time through this for me so it's difficult to know what to expect. The advice and help from you and friends has been tremendous.
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Voyageur North Canoe Outfitters