BWCA Moose in Camp Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14429)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/14/2014 08:54AM  
This week I was on Ensign and one morning there were fresh moose prints in the mud on the trail to the latrine. This was only about 30 feet from a tent. I also saw fresh prints on a portage trail in the Spider PMA. We did not see any Moose this week, but cool to know there is fresh sign of them. Has anyone had a moose in their camp?
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06/14/2014 10:25AM  
Yes, years ago on Amber. Woke up at sunrise and could hear the clompclopmp footsteps. It walked up to my tent and sniffed while we were in our sleeping bags. Hoof print outside showed it was just 2-3 feet from the tent. We were silent, and it slowly wandered off. Soooo glad it missed all the tarp and tent lines!
06/14/2014 12:18PM  
Some years ago on Lynx Lake I heard loud crashing in the woods, which woke me up. I knew it was a moose and I could hear it getting closer to camp. I thought wow, wouldn't it be cool to see a moose in camp but it's pitch dark. Plus I had a tarp hanging and of course I was in my tent. As the moose got close to my tarp lines I let out a yell which stopped the moose in its tracks and it quickly changed direction and was gone. In the morning I could see moose tracks and where it turned to run.
06/14/2014 01:24PM  
Older sign in camp, but no moose that I know of... YET!
distinguished member (327)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/14/2014 02:48PM  
Have had a cow and calf walk past just on the edge of our camp years ago. Entered the water and swam over to a nearby island. Don't remember where we were that year. Was definitely a rare treat.
distinguished member(935)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2014 07:08AM  
Many years back had a bull moose wander thru camp. Get tangled in our clothes line, broke the rope like it was not a thing very powerful animals indeed.
distinguished member(2469)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2014 08:06AM  
I was in the Quetico on a fall trip some years ago, and during the night a rutting bull walked through camp, grunting with every step! Very exciting and no harm done thankfully.
distinguished member(1271)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2014 08:14AM  
Several times I have had moose walk through the edge of camp, (between the fire grate and the throne. One wanted to come through camp and tried from 3 places to come up towards the fire grate area.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14429)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/15/2014 09:05AM  
Many years ago on Isle Royale we had a moose come next to our tents at night. We only saw the moose prints and heard it stomp and paw the ground.
06/15/2014 09:23AM  

I remember our first night camping on Isle Royale at Feldtmann Lake. Several moose wandered through or near our site for much of the night. Very entertaining but also a stunning reminder of how large these magnificent creatures are.

distinguished member(625)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2014 08:26PM  
Never seen a moose in the BWCA. But a couple years ago in the Bighorns I woke up and climbed out of the tent to see these three coming by about 25 yards from our tents.
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2014 08:39PM  
Was on the Grand Hotel campsite on Piwi in the Q with three of my brothers about 7 years ago. We were standing around camp early in the am when we heard a crashing behind the camp. We took about ten steps in that direction when all of a sudden a bull moose came charging in our direction. Since it was fall we were a tad concerned. We had but ten seconds from when we heard him until he was galloping full tilt nearly in our camp and in plain view.
He turned at the edge of the camp, must have seen or smelled us and high-tailed it out of there. We tried to follow him to no avail.
Great experience after our blood pressure dropped.
member (36)member
06/15/2014 11:01PM  
We have been fortunate enough to have two Moose encounters so far. The first was on the Isabella river about 10 years ago. We quietly floated by this one hoping he wouldn't mind. He didn't; but we had heard they can be aggressive and it was pretty tense. We passed by within about 20 feet of him.

The second was in 2007. This one came into camp in the morning and the noise woke us up. It sounded like a herd of buffalo and we thought it was a bear. While I was fumbling around for my glasses and shoes, my son unzipped the tent and was staring the moose right in the face. I don't know who was more startled. The Moose took off for the lake and I got this picture as he was getting out of the water on the other side.

distinguished member(1068)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/16/2014 06:03AM  
This mother and calf swam across Lake of the Clouds right past our canoes.

06/16/2014 06:12AM  
We haven't seen a moose in many years, but a few years ago we were camped on Cross Bay Lake and one walked across right by our tent (the tracks were a couple feet away from the tent door) early in the morning. By the time we got the tent flap open it was gone! I was SO disappointed!

The closest we have had when we actually saw the moose was the one we called "The Moose that came to breakfast." It was when we were camped on Weird Lake on our long trip (22 days in 1992.) She came and had her breakfast offshore as we were enjoying ours. She stayed for about a half-hour. Unfortunately, back in those days I didn't have a good camera with a zoom lens, so this is the best photo I could come up with.

bear bait
distinguished member(518)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/16/2014 03:12PM  
A few years ago we had one come through our campsite while we ate breakfast. Very nimble creatures, it went under the tarp and around the tents without hitting a single guy-line.

distinguished member(653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/22/2014 08:49PM  
We had a bull walk into out campsite on Feldtman Lake (Isle Royale) in 1982. It was a nice evening, and we had just backpacked in.

The site was a few yards back from the lake. I was brushing my teeth and my wife was putting something in the tent when I heard what sounded like a horse walking in the shallow water along the lake shore. Wasn't a horse, it was full grown bull. Of course it decided to leave the lake on the little trail to our campsite. As it entered the campsite we both retreated around behind the tent. He stopped when he realized we were there. About 2 seconds later he decided to leave but trotting through a stand of alders, which he parted with ease. Will never for get seeing that brush spread apart like it wasn't even there. I still had my toothbrush in my mouth when it was all over.

Our next trip to Isle Royale was enlivened when a moose came walking along the Minong Ridge in the late evening about 10 feet from our tent. Again it sounded like a horse walking along the trail, only this time when it got next to our tent it lest out a surprised grunt and trotted away along the trail.

Years later on Cherokee Lake in the BWCA my son and I were just returning to camp from an evening paddle. About 10 yards from our campsite a cow was stadning in the trees looking at us like she was waiting for us to go by. We stopped and she decided we weren't a threat and calmly waded in and swam across the lake. So beautiful we just sat there in the canoe until she was almost all the way across the lake. What a sight!

distinguished member(4401)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/23/2014 06:23PM  
Ran into these two a few years back somewhere near Isabella I think ...

distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/23/2014 06:29PM  
Was at Garden Island Lodge ~8years ago. It's about 300 miles north of Toronto, and 20 miles tow off the road.

One morning a big cow was on the corner of the island where the resort was, and we all walked out to get a close look. It was the first time the owner had seen one on his island.
distinguished member(1732)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/23/2014 07:13PM  
My tripping partner tells the story he was with a group and one of the guys decide to sleep under the stars.

That fellow wakes up about 3am with a moose straddling his sleeping bag.

He said he was very lucky not to be stepped on as the moose walked away.
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