BWCA Canoe & Kayak Magazine - BeaV article Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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distinguished member(1007)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2014 10:03AM  
May 2014 issue. Just got it in the mail. Nice article BeaV. Can't wait to hear more of your journey.
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03/22/2014 12:39PM  

Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article.
03/22/2014 12:47PM  
quote AndySG: "
Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article."
I agree, I think very few people truly understand what a feat he achieved.The dangers, mental anguish, and heartaches he had to go through is unbelievable. I have been on the Bearing Sea in a boat and was scared out of my mind. In a Kayak... Are you kidding me!!!!! And that portage..... WOW!!!!!!!!!!
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/22/2014 01:08PM  
quote AndySG: "Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article."

Urge BeaV to write a book.

03/22/2014 02:15PM  
quote missmolly: "
quote AndySG: "Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article."

Urge BeaV to write a book."

Nice job on the article Katie. Given the limited space, you did a good job with the high points thus leaving the reader hungry for more.

I believe a letter to the editor is in order.
distinguished member(2694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2014 03:57PM  
quote AndySG: "
quote missmolly: "
quote AndySG: "Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article."

Urge BeaV to write a book."

Nice job on the article Katie. Given the limited space, you did a good job with the high points thus leaving the reader hungry for more.

I believe a letter to the editor is in order."

Can't wait for the next issue! (eh, Katie?)

distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/22/2014 04:02PM  
quote VoyageurNorth: "
quote AndySG: "
quote missmolly: "
quote AndySG: "Yeah, too bad they only gave it 1/2 page. BeaV's adventure deserves a feature article."

Urge BeaV to write a book."

Nice job on the article Katie. Given the limited space, you did a good job with the high points thus leaving the reader hungry for more.

I believe a letter to the editor is in order."

Can't wait for the next issue! (eh, Katie?)"

distinguished member(5358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/22/2014 04:29PM  
Glad to hear it got in! After the last issue I was afraid it got dropped. Will look for it soon.

03/22/2014 04:42PM  
Hey BeaV... Write a book. Do it before the trip is to distant of a memory. Or at least before you get my age and can't remember what you did last week.
03/24/2014 11:00AM  
MissMolly warned us! Not much can be said in 800 words.

Being a new subscriber to Canoe & Kayak, I don't know how to take it that I was in their "Dirtbag Diary" feature? Normally, calling me a dirtbag would result in the offender receiving a paddle blow upside the head :)

03/24/2014 12:04PM  
I was a charter subscriber starting with the first issue in April 1973 and I still have the entire collection thru I think 2010. I am missing just one issue which was lost in the mail and the publisher had no more copies to send me one. I let my subscription lapse as the magazine seemed to become filled with short articles and lots of gear ads which seemed to be mostly high priced specialty clothing. When I did not renew after all those years the publishers actually called me to inquire why. When I told them, they replied that from their perspective it was all about pushing gear and clothing sales (advertising dollars) which is what kept them financially viable.
distinguished member(4401)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/24/2014 08:29PM  
So, BeaV, when is the book coming out?
03/25/2014 01:45PM  
Book update: You and everyone I know is reminding me to do one but I'm not interested in that now:) I just finished my home movie 2 weeks ago and am enjoying showing it to family and friends now. I am finally able to show people some of what happened.

Walllee- thanks for trying to understand the challenges. I hope the movie helps to illustrate some of the challenges. Comments I've received about the movie have been "amazing!", "we had no idea!", and "glad we didn't know this until now". How does one explain the difficulty of triple-portaging a canoe/gear on a 33-mile portage with a 5000 foot elevation gain if that person never has even done a 330-rod portage with 50 foot gain? People on this site have an understanding, but most don't.

The movie helps with this but I think it still fails to really convey the severity of dangers and challenges but at least it shows that brown bears were the least of my worries.

Thanks, BeaV

distinguished member (175)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2014 09:05AM  
I say you make this movie available to more people I would love to see your journey!
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/26/2014 09:12AM  
I have paddled 2,500 miles on a trip and 1,400 on another, which is enough to know I have never endured what you endured. I was at Club Med sipping pina coladas, relatively.

Photography can be a thin medium when it comes to misery. Misery is thick. A photo is thin. I was on a sailboat off the coast of Rhode Island that was caught in some swells. Now, I've seen "Perfect Storm" and they spend millions to convey the ferocity of high seas, but they can't, they simply can't.

I was sick within seconds. Even crawling was painful and problematic, for you're being slammed into this wall and that. Then there's the noise, the banging, thumping, and groaning. Words are another insufficient medium to relate the horror and I'm glad they are, because I wouldn't want to replicate the violent misery of that moment.

BeaV, at the Canoe & Kayak website, there will be another profile I just wrote about a Dutchman who's paddling from the end of the Aleutians to Greenland over three summers. He's your kin in dogged determination and one of the few who can ken what you endured, being your brother in courage.

If Shackleton were here, he'd rightly call you two, "sons."
03/26/2014 02:00PM  
quote missmolly: Misery is thick. "

Missmolly, if misery is thick, hopelessness must be thick and deep. Situations that seemed hopeless are times I don't want repeated. For me, those times were brief and passing. For Shackleton and crew, wow, it must have seemed a lifetime!

Has my brother started his trip? What route is/will/has he traveled? If the Northwest Passage is on his itineray, will he do the same stretch of Bering Sea coast that I paddled?

distinguished member (411)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2014 07:53PM  
Thank you BeaV for giving us all the hope that we may one day achieve our own dream. You have given us courage, strength, and a faith that the impossible is achievable and that nothing is out of our reach if we just try. I look forward to my own challenges with a renewed vigor and belief that I CAN rather than maybe. Thanks you again.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/26/2014 08:42PM  
quote BeaV: "
quote missmolly: Misery is thick. "

Missmolly, if misery is thick, hopelessness must be thick and deep. Situations that seemed hopeless are times I don't want repeated. For me, those times were brief and passing. For Shackleton and crew, wow, it must have seemed a lifetime!

Has my brother started his trip? What route is/will/has he traveled? If the Northwest Passage is on his itineray, will he do the same stretch of Bering Sea coast that I paddled?


Your brother arched to nearly the end of northeastern Alaska last summer and will be digging out his kayak in a week or so and continuing across the top of Canada. If you want me to connect you two, I'm happy to facilitate. Just email me. Yes, he already did the stretch of the Bering Sea you did. It would have been possible for you two to have crossed paths, he going north and you paddling south. Yes, the Northwest Passage is part of his trip. He'll be island hopping and perhaps skiing across some of the islands, towing his kayak behind him. He also has a kite to increase his speed. I was reading about others in your family yesterday at Canoe & Kayak's website. You have quite a family.
distinguished member(2740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2014 09:51PM  
BeaV and Molly--

It is as plain as the snout of a grizzly.
Here is the book:

Brief and Passing: 5000 Miles Alone
Bob Vee venvender with Kate McMollybass

(I don't know your names, but you get the idea.) BeaV, let another bunch of turkeys out and let missmolly do her thing. I'll take 1% of the movie deal for the book title.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/27/2014 07:09AM  
quote lundojam: "Brief and Passing: 5000 Miles Alone
Bob Vee venvender with Kate McMollybass "

Kate McMollybass is about to be my real name as I've contacted a lawyer and am filling out the paperwork.
03/27/2014 10:25AM  
quote GrandpaT: "Thank you BeaV for giving us all the hope that we may one day achieve our own dream. You have given us courage, strength, and a faith that the impossible is achievable and that nothing is out of our reach if we just try. I look forward to my own challenges with a renewed vigor and belief that I CAN rather than maybe. Thanks you again."

GrandpaT, you are very much welcome. I am amazed and humbled that my simple act of "paddling hard" has inspired some folks. I like your quote regarding thorns and roses- it's so true. By "paddling hard", I mean not giving up and not giving up is really attitude.

I should be thanking you for recognizing my achievement.

Thank you, BeaV

03/27/2014 02:20PM  
quote lundojam: "BeaV and Molly--

It is as plain as the snout of a grizzly.
Here is the book:

Brief and Passing: 5000 Miles Alone
Bob Vee venvender with Kate McMollybass

(I don't know your names, but you get the idea.) BeaV, let another bunch of turkeys out and let missmolly do her thing. I'll take 1% of the movie deal for the book title.

I agree. This is a match made in literary heaven. BeaV's amazing experience and Molly's gift of words.
distinguished member(5358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/19/2014 06:30PM  
Finally got a copy and very much enjoyed this small taste of your trip. Nice job, both of you.

And while short it is a nice ending punctuation to an issue focusing on solo trips.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/19/2014 08:53PM  
quote OneMatch: "
quote lundojam: "BeaV and Molly--

It is as plain as the snout of a grizzly.
Here is the book:

Brief and Passing: 5000 Miles Alone
Bob Vee venvender with Kate McMollybass

(I don't know your names, but you get the idea.) BeaV, let another bunch of turkeys out and let missmolly do her thing. I'll take 1% of the movie deal for the book title.
Un-bea-lieVable "

I agree. This is a match made in literary heaven. BeaV's amazing experience and Molly's gift of words."

Thank you, kind man, but I merely transcribed.

member (38)member
09/05/2014 12:39PM  
beav updated his blog if anyone is interested
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2014 12:51PM  
quote missmolly: "
quote lundojam: "Brief and Passing: 5000 Miles Alone
Bob Vee venvender with Kate McMollybass "

Kate McMollybass is about to be my real name as I've contacted a lawyer and am filling out the paperwork."

I second the motion that Miss McMollybass author the BeaV Adventure on account of she has a good way with words.
Oh! by the the book he is a fierce character from stock of long ago Mountain Men lore. Grizzies fled from his gaze.

09/05/2014 02:21PM  
quote BeaV: "Book update: You and everyone I know is reminding me to do one but I'm not interested in that now:) I just finished my home movie 2 weeks ago and am enjoying showing it to family and friends now. I am finally able to show people some of what happened.

Walllee- thanks for trying to understand the challenges. I hope the movie helps to illustrate some of the challenges. Comments I've received about the movie have been "amazing!", "we had no idea!", and "glad we didn't know this until now". How does one explain the difficulty of triple-portaging a canoe/gear on a 33-mile portage with a 5000 foot elevation gain if that person never has even done a 330-rod portage with 50 foot gain? People on this site have an understanding, but most don't.

The movie helps with this but I think it still fails to really convey the severity of dangers and challenges but at least it shows that brown bears were the least of my worries.

Thanks, BeaV "

When you get copies I will buy one, loved what I saw at the Spring wing camp out, can't wait to see all of it.

distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2014 09:14PM  
sign me up for another copy
09/06/2014 03:28AM  
When the book comes out better have a bunch, I will definitely take one. FRED
distinguished member(1973)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2014 08:21AM  
quote supercub: "beav updated his blog if anyone is interested
blog "

Good blog post.

Life really is about the people we meet along the way. Even those that last a short time, their impact can be huge.
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