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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: The Mother of Invention
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02/12/2013 11:07AM
I need to work on my fabrication skills but a member on this site who is a handy aluminum welder gave me this custom transducer mount that he designed and made. Transducer mounts are always designed with a boat transom in mind. This one is perfect for the side of a canoe.

An old tooth from an excavator bucket makes a sexy boat anchor.

I bought this boat with a 4 stroke outboard on it. I found the motor to be slow, heavy, and difficult to maintain. In order to use my trusty 2 stroke merc on this boat I cut the transom down. Again I had to have someone do the aluminum welding for me to cap the transom.

02/11/2013 08:09PM

02/11/2013 10:13PM
I called old scout and asked him to custom make me some bungee deely bobs that were 6 inches longer than his usual size. He did it and they didn't cost that much more. Now I have two dozen of each size and they come in handy for everything.

02/11/2013 08:02PM
I never invented it, but I use the HELL out of the bungee dealy bobs.
Holds my tent down to rocks and ties a multitude of stuff into the canoe, holds the ropes, (tied to front of canoe) etc. By far the Number one piece of gear on the trip, hands down.

02/11/2013 03:06PM

Here's what my typical "kitchen" looks like. Everything in it's place and then I sit from prep until time to clean-up.
02/10/2013 07:50PM
Have you ever had a moment during a trip when you were performing a task and thought there must be a better way to do this? Or maybe you had multiple tasks for which you used several pieces of gear and thought it would be nice if there was one single item that could accomplish those tasks?

It can be big or small, simple or complex. Whatever you've felt a need for post it here. Maybe there's already a solution that somebody has thought of that can benefit you or maybe we can put our heads together and come up with something.

I always thought it would be nice to have a tent with a thin, self inflating mattress built in so you only have to roll up one item.
02/10/2013 09:12PM
I've thought that same thing, just make the whole floor like a big exped
02/11/2013 01:19PM
With only one canoe on most trips, it is well away from any possible mishaps. If you have courage and are not prone to accidents, the canoe use has merit.
Grandma L
02/11/2013 10:57AM
I use my canoe - inverted and up on logs as a table. Then a piece of that foam stuff you put under rugs to keep them in place as a "counter-top, dish drainer". It keeps thing from sliding off of the canoe.

By the way, be careful with hot things on a Kevlar canoe, could be a disaster.

02/12/2013 09:01AM
So, where/how can I find/make these bungee deely bobs?

NM, if someone is looking, here you go! Hopefully it's OK w/ the Mods... If not, let me know and I'll edit it out.

Old Scout Outdoor Products
02/10/2013 10:53PM
quote MIpaddler: "I always thought it would be nice to have a tent with a thin, self inflating mattress built in so you only have to roll up one item."

You may want to try a good hammock. It fits your criteria and will cut some pounds off your pack weight.
02/11/2013 10:01AM
I "discovered" the idea of using small - 2-3 ft sq - pc of heavy plastic as a "table" for food prep. Promptly cut several for next year and they have been with me ever since. Use them to wash, rinse, and air dry dishes etc. on.
02/11/2013 06:44AM
+1 on the hammock suggestion.

Easier setup and takedown, less weight, and the best night's sleep you'll ever have outdoors.