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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Safety
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04/23/2005 11:43PM
Injuries in the BW can run the gambit from minor to catastrophic. The rangers I have visited with tell me the number one injury they encounter are sprained ankles. Other common injuries are cuts from knives and saws with an occasional axe bite thrown in for good measure.
My first aid kit contains the following;

Dressings; Band-Aid, 2X2's, 4X4's and a large surgipad or trauma dressing.

Bandages: one triangular bandage, two rolls of kerlix and two ace wraps in 3" size.
Tape: one roll all purpose first aid tape and one roll 2" athletic tape.

Splint: one "SAM" splint (closed cell foam over malleable aluminum), rolls or folds down small and is light weight.

Medications: Asprin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol,Benadryl, Psuedoephedrine, Immodium, Rollaids,

Misc: Neosporin or Bacitracin ointments, Aloe Vera lotion (sunburn), 10% Cortisone ointment (itches and rashes), super glue, Trauma Dex powder(stops bleeding), steri strips, tweezers, small bandage scissor.

Pack a small first aid reference if you lack needed experience for dealing with medical encounters. For extended trips in very remote ares consider requesting from your doctor thing like antibiotics and stronger pain meds as well as suturing supplies if trained in there use.

My FAK fits in a small granite gear tough sack and weighs in at about a pound and a half.
In8 Hunters
04/20/2005 10:35PM
What kind of injuries are most common in BWCA? We a taking our first real canoe trip and was wonder what o take in the FAK. What are some of the extra thing you guys pack?

Thank Alot
04/20/2005 11:25PM
I take lots of ibuprofen for the body aches. Bandaids [different sizes and styles] for cuts and scrapes and some type of anti biotic for the cuts. Tweezers for splinters. These are the main injuries that have happened on my trips. I do carry a standard first aid kit that I got at REI. I have been lucky enough to not need much more that the above items.
Arkansas Man
04/21/2005 07:24AM
Super glue is very effective to seal up cuts also, steri-strips, small elastic wrap, and a bee sting kit in case anyone in your party is allergic, or develops an allergy to something there, also tweezers, and a small pair of scissors... all these things fit into my first aid kit, along with all of the medicines, bandages, etc...

04/21/2005 11:45AM
Don't forget the Benedril (SP?) in case someone gets into poison ivy or oak. It definately helps with the itching.

I'm speaking from experience.
