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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Sharing the The Quetico Journey
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11/20/2009 04:52PM
its about damn time you get back up there!

(ps...gotta love that late 70's hair)
11/20/2009 02:11PM
I went to the Quetico twice in the late 70's and haven't been back since due to college, raising a family and a 24 year military career.

Several months ago I did a Google search on Hoare Lake (Our objectives on my trips) and found an article by "Jimbo" that lead me to another BB site and prompted me to make a posting. In this post, I had written about our trips 30+ years ago into Hoare Lake and that I was 47 now and probably too old or something to go back and encouraged others to go to Hoare Lake and "Ranger" responded that if the numbers weren't reversed (i.e. 74) I should go back.

After thinking for maybe 10 seconds, I realized he was right and there was more to this world and that I had been missing something and wilderness canoeing was it!

From that moment on, my life has changed. For 30+ years something was missing. I was successful,, I knew what it was. I had spent 10 years as an avid canoeist doing many river trips, the BWCA and couple of Q trips. In addition, I spent a lot of time with the boys just taking long hikes and camping in South Dakota (State parks, rivers banks and the Black Hills). Family camping at State Parks didn't fill the void and I often found myself looking into the fire late at night and thinking back to my days on Agnes, Kahshawpiwi, Hoare, Sarah, Robinson, Yum Yum, Bayley Bay, etc.

I have spent a lot of time over the past few months here on BWCA and other sites learning as much as possible about Canoeing and relearning many things about tripping in Canoe Country. I owe a lot to many of you for inspiring me by your trips reports, advice and encouragement (Ho Ho, Uncle Moose, Kanoes, Kiporby, and many others)

Now, I am totally getting back into the "lifestyle' and planning my return to the Quetico Journey in AUG 2010 with many of my original crew. I would like to also do a 4 day BWCA tune up in the early summer if I can find someone to tag along with.

My attitude on life is 100% improved and I have an excitement that I thought was long gone. I will say my bank account has taken a severe hit as a gear up again and I'm also sure its money well spent.

The Quetico Journey has literally changed my life in many ways.

For this..... I will be internally grateful to all that have put me back on the Journey.

The Original Crew from 1978:

11/20/2009 05:01PM
Ahh the 70's, when everybody was fit and trim.
11/21/2009 03:39PM
Due time bojibob! :) Stumpy, imo you are a great asset to this board.
11/21/2009 03:55PM
OTH, agreed! Stumpy's pretty funny.
11/22/2009 08:29AM
Love the picture bob - that's great :)
I have yet to make my first Quetico journey - will be summer 2010 and I can't wait!
11/20/2009 05:04PM
Yeah, I can sympathize with the bank account issue. This site has cost me plenty. It is my "retirement" investment.
11/20/2009 07:05PM
You got that right.
Kids weren't a bunch of fat @ssed, couch potato, video gaming, loafers.
We all had a job by 16, too. Or at least everyone I knew did. You would be ridiculed if you didn't.
11/20/2009 07:51PM
Stumpy, *you* got that right!